Grading Rules:
- Group Problems:
are graded out of 5 points; The short quiz is graded out of 2 points. Three more points are earned based
on the completed group worksheets.
Partial credit for each question may be
0.50 or
- The following grades:
0abs (absent),
(not submitted) are assigned respectively to the following cases:
Lateness for classes, absences and not submitted assignments.
- Quiz and Lab:
are graded out of 5 points; The Quiz is graded out of 3 points (one point
per question). Partial credit for each question may be
0.50 or
0.75. Two
more points are earned during class based on work habit and performance.
- The following grades:
0abs (absent),
0ns (not submitted) are assigned respectively for the following cases:
Lateness for classes, absences and not turned in homework.
- Online Homework:
are automatically graded out of 10
points, (one point per question). There is no partial credit for online
- Exams:
There are two midterm
exams, each consisting of 15 multiple
choice questions. The final exam has 30
multiple choice questions. There is no partial credit for exams.
Required Assignments |
Percentage |
Exam 1 |
15 |
Exam 2 |
15 |
Final |
30 |
Group Problems |
15 |
Lab & Quizzes |
15 |
Online Homework |
10 |
Grade Rules
Your final course grade will be based on a ranking system, based on your performance on the different activities in this class. Students will be periodically updated regarding their letter grade standing throughout the semester, and in particular after the common hour exams. Your final standing in the class at the end of the semester will determine your grade.
The grade distribution for this class will be as follows:
- The top 20% of the class (or 90% overall grade) will receive an A
- The next 10% of the class (or 84% overall grade) will receive a B+
- The next 20% of the class (or 77% overall grade) will receive a B
- The next 10% of the class (or 73% overall grade) will receive a C+
- Any student averaging a total grade of 62% in the class will receive a C. This is approximately the next 25% of the class.
- Any student averaging a total grade of 55% in the class will receive a D. This is usually less than 5% of the class.
- Finally, any student averaging a total grade that is less than 55% in the class will receive an F. This is usually less than 10% of the class.